Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

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Monday, July 16, 2012

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The jeep came to a stop outside the station hall, four men immediately jumped from the car down, take on luggage toward the station and ran inside. However, they immediately were several officers to the bar down.
Addition Hao Dong feel when you see the room Nie Renfeng will, while three others were surprised. Tan Ren Hao, Lei Shaoqing new are Nieren Feng principals often recommended students. Seen for two years, Nie people phoenix the addition of white hair and he is no longer the principal of the Imperial College of naval officers. bid farewell to their batch of students to talk about Ren Hao, Nie Renfeng officially retired, but, evidently Now he has returned to the Navy, to continue services for the Navy as Lieutenant.
you to stay, want you to see this message. Tan Ren Hao took the file, but only one, and then handed over to the next Lei Shaoqing principals, we have seen on the road newspaper, Japan is not ready to declare war on? on the garrison. Of course, this is only an ultimatum to the Special Envoy of the Korean kingdom to the Empire capital, Xue Xiyue Prime Minister last night convened an emergency meeting of the Cabinet. Now, there are negotiations to resolve the contradiction may, however, Sa quarter Pavilion Marshal ordered the Imperial Navy on alert and all leave and training officers to return to their troops within three days. Tan Ren Hao slightly wrinkled under the eyebrows, the Navy has been under a mobilization order, then they should return to the fleet as soon as possible, Nie Renfeng they stopped halfway to do what?
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

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But exceptional circumstances, either to see these three guys it has also plunged headlong into the bamboo forest, in order to prevent their destruction trap, mlb will not waste time, and then fold the anti-back, who ignores a few of them.
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At this point, mlb despite the lead, led Jose trio to bamboo depths of the run, but he did not forget to always back the view behind the situation, see the three hunt beast actually bamboo peripheral parted ways, only one bite firmly behind, but actually also followed their running routes and avoid the various traps, constantly catching the heart is shocked.
As for the other two hunt the beast, that they do not want to, and must be separately pursued, ready to give them to bread, so highly intelligent creatures, I really do not know what the trap, also control whether to use them.
Full of anxiety real M1b edge thinking side relied on familiar terrain in the bamboo forest, with three in the bamboo forest to wear to wear, and pray behind the other end of the hunt beast a careless touch organs go.
Disappointing, head hunt the beast is very smart, and relied on the speed advantage, the along mlb four walked leisurely path to follow closely behind other places, absolutely not to exceed half a step.
If only this only hunt animals, but also easy to handle, big deal back recklessly wants three guys behind him, evidently, is not any Dengxianzhibei. But the key is that the danger comes not only from behind, there are two only hunt the beast, into hiding in the bamboo forest is, do not know the ambush in which, or to the encirclement of double teams in the waiting time to think of here, mlb help slow down the pace, decided to take the risk, rather than have to face another two disappearance hunt the beast, it is better now, wanted to first behind the other end to the slaughter.
Only to do a blow

Friday, July 6, 2012

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