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Wolf, after all, is not suitable to use as mounts, this point, only a palm-sized, In other words, the wolf riding, also known as riding, but can not really ride on it, but to stand above the feet stand on a smooth point, the only way, we can not affect Qinglang action to ensure that the speed of the moving
Looked in front of 4 million wolf to ride, I kept shaking his head, such a force, if it is on Earth, then, is in any case, training is not out, even in this world, only the wolf talent can be trained into a wolf ride it!
Up to more than 160 Qinglang fierce stood a column, row after row, on their backs, stood a tall slender werewolf soldiers, trim figure, and nails like a solid bar back in the wolf on the saddle, his hands pulled from Qinglang neck extended from the reins, stable body, this is the werewolf warrior!
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

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