Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Think of this 1.8 billion of moisture on the inside is yes, if Cao Yueqing and Sima family is under way for the acquisition of this company and anti-acquisition market value of this company is the process of an inflated , which means that there are 1.8 billion after the takeover battle, I am afraid to shrink by half.
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Three percent of shares is indeed about the company attributable to the largest shareholder, but if as a control by the Sima family hands only Sancheng, then, really sad to the their own have been think three percent a lot, did not think of their own to take over this three achievements stand to the, and now the awkward position of the Sima family, it seems the Sima family is bullied do not know the relationship between them and Cao Yueqing.
Tooth for a tooth, hair of the dog.
Sima family, so playing a trick, not to the point that really be justified.
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Monday, June 25, 2012

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Friday, June 22, 2012

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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Safety of their mountain nodded and said: All are stay.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

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, Apologetic, said: scoer Zhengzhu, this situation is actually before him have been expected, always thought that as time passes, she will face up to reality, back to the normal track of life, but I did not realize she would be so direct confession, he really did not know how the interface was surprised to find Dan lifted his big hands, deep bright red lips printed above a kiss, a tear fell on the back of his hand, hot hot ...
  That night, scoer small bed in the restaurant over and over again, long sleep, the mind a multitude of things, I do not know where does one start -
Shortly after midnight, stumbled and fell asleep, woke up to find Hui Jin with two small red light black eye, they do not seem to sleep.
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Hui Jin, they just surprised a bit, and soon Ming Bai Xiaodan intention chuckle Court in accordance with the monarch also remembered when this wood thing as a shield, and my heart suddenly some sour; opposite the man can feel a bit furious. face was ashen, the march came one foot seems to be less convenient, next to the driver hurried over leaning, but that he pushes his menacing stare at Pingyu Dan: scoer: His evident in his the contempt spotlight scoer face, it seems Dailiaoyixia still does not change the aggressive look, and he did not notice

Thursday, June 14, 2012

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The six sent to a special operations group, this group of ten people, different from Lin Hua is this group all master, light level B protoss will have five, six and more Department recognized one of the six master protoss Liao Jie led the rest of the people and no one is lower than the C-level abilities master.
Can be said that the strength of the team is quite tough, this six and hurry, too much pressure, given above, the leadership of six had to bite the focus on the essence of several groups of them sent to S City, to the Their mission is very simple, is to bring back the lost chips, to prevent the leakage of nuclear technology and severely crack down on foreign anti-China forces, and to identify the truth of the whole event.
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Are you kidding, we get down to business, I am not to tell you the transfer of work, I am to inform you that from now on you and your team together incorporated into my special action team, you do not think so soon back to headquarters to enjoy leisure, I tell you the difficulties just start from today, I hope the next can also be good co-operation. strong, you say there is this necessary? The task

Sunday, June 10, 2012

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The Chutian Xiang although at this time already have the magic of feng shui technique can also use the word have realized, but he did not want to stop their own greed. people is the best idea of ​​the senior animal is the most greedy animals. old Chu hearts of the guidelines is not wicked, do not break the law, in which circumstances,NBA Caps, they should live more YY.
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The Chutian Xiang, why are you so cold? Chutian Xiang did it did not look at one side of Chen Yan, laughing: Old Chu suddenly remembered the Rattus seen last night at the side of Chen Yan, will be destined to be enemies, so the old Chu ready to alienate Chen Yan Chen Yan, he felt each other two people of the world, in particular, Chen Yan The grandfather also framed him, plus over Ming and Chen Mengde long look very familiar, old Chu hearts of the very air.
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

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