Sunday, June 17, 2012

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, Apologetic, said: scoer Zhengzhu, this situation is actually before him have been expected, always thought that as time passes, she will face up to reality, back to the normal track of life, but I did not realize she would be so direct confession, he really did not know how the interface was surprised to find Dan lifted his big hands, deep bright red lips printed above a kiss, a tear fell on the back of his hand, hot hot ...
  That night, scoer small bed in the restaurant over and over again, long sleep, the mind a multitude of things, I do not know where does one start -
Shortly after midnight, stumbled and fell asleep, woke up to find Hui Jin with two small red light black eye, they do not seem to sleep.
That night, everyone how now?
Court in accordance with the monarch, the right mysterious beads sitting in the car came, we had breakfast, decided to go to the the steed club visit Wuzhui had wanted to pull the jersey to go with the latter said something, not to go; Hui Jin also proposed to find the jade Bin, Zhihong, scoer told her they Chen Jiaqi began to work, work place or Court Jun arrangements.
Also do not car to drive to just go out and play, and they decided to take the subway to go.
scoer accompanied five beautiful - Li Ji always a suit, deadpan, but the actual age of less than 30, looks handsome, is absolutely beautiful - walking down the street,oakley sport sunglasses, passers-by keep them coming back is not low.
This is not a BMW aggressive passing through the street, suddenly these five women and one man's combination sudden with scoer them suddenly reach out one finger, shouted: scoer hesitated and I wonder if this is the story behind the Court, according to Jun who is startled mind: this man, how looked so familiar?
The Pingyu Dan braving the fingers that considerable momentum, and unrelenting Lengheng: Boyfriend? Where?
Next few surprised looking at her,fake oakleys, surprised to find that she did not hesitate to scoer of an arm in his arms and cheeks are also posted on his shoulder, which makes scoer a bit confusing, no-one dares - her Guzhang up in the chest close to his arms in front of the Hui Jin they face, can not dare touch any trouble.
Hui Jin, they just surprised a bit, and soon Ming Bai Xiaodan intention chuckle Court in accordance with the monarch also remembered when this wood thing as a shield, and my heart suddenly some sour; opposite the man can feel a bit furious. face was ashen, the march came one foot seems to be less convenient, next to the driver hurried over leaning, but that he pushes his menacing stare at Pingyu Dan: scoer: His evident in his the contempt spotlight scoer face, it seems Dailiaoyixia still does not change the aggressive look, and he did not notice

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