Tuesday, June 5, 2012

jersey discount it felt to have more vitality.

I was very surprised, why do you want to guide me to come here, and yet you have whether it is who is the ancient human? This energy body here, interested in the side facing Taya, and seems to enjoy the descent: they created the Taya obviously these white energy as God,jersey discount, excitedly nodded: With the energy body suddenly irrepressible laughing the whole body of the energy block, not the residence of loose and shake off into a fine dust, falling to the ground have Sasa: ​​lad guess my identity, I claim to be your ancestor, but during his lifetime and you, but only the individual but the last survivors of Atlantis, rather than the mouth of God, those who theology of creation of records, but only our spare time, created a joke nothing more. Talking about the energy body, it seems that years of silence in this place, suddenly had new faces to join, it felt to have more vitality.
Energy that a body with great difficulty to restrain their own mood swings, talking to herself one: The conversation ended. Mantra after this turn to the recommended range, said: the first era of the universe, the earliest developed the most advanced performance Battlestar Earth, while our group of people, is the pioneer and pioneer of the space age. Recommended range hit me, and suddenly understood why go here to see the fragments of ancient human life. Believe that masterpiece, it is these perennial energy body floating in the ship which, to live in their own memories, with a special means of the formation of the image of the scenes, his original conjecture is a virtual electronic scene, but it is wrong.
That energy body suddenly stopped the dialogue, the whole silent looked at the range recommended, after a moment, the only serious tone broke the silence: fluctuations? The recommended range of some perplexing, indeed Athena at any time with me, can Athena seems to have entered the endless sleep, exhausted a variety of ways and can not get any communication with her, how with the energy body , said the wisdom of the computer Athena is also the energy fluctuations?
Do the authors, Athena is - a ghost, and ghosts?
Seems that the energy body can be seen through the functioning of the brain waves of the range recommended his thoughts, and smiles:

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